We are Wolves
fom 13,00€ –to 16,00€
13 women, from Eve to Diana. Their voices, their fights, their life stories.
We are Wolves is a play about the story of 13 women from legends,
myths and History, from Eve to Diana Spencer. They all have something in common: their lives and their fights against the oppression suffered from Patriarchy. These women take back their voices and their stories to talk about themselves, and the men whohurt them, from their own point of view, in order to show how much their fight is still our fight.
Comédiennes : Amb
er Delestraint, Aylin Sara, Camille Planard-Luong, Elijh Emery, Madeleine van Slot, Marie-Noëlle Loewe, Noa
Musique : zoË
Costumes : Noée Andraos
Chorégraphies : Camille Planard-Luong
Mise en scène : Elliott Martineau
Auteur(rice) : Elliott Martineau
Durée : 90 minutes
public averti, contenu sensible
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