Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Julia Sex : Woman Status : Single, with children Birthday : 26 June 1966 (58 ) Area : Rambouillet |
A few words |
Plutôt épicurienne, bouger, rencontrer des gens, sortir : afterwork, restaurant, cinéma, théâtre, dégustation de vin, la nature, sorties culturelles, partir en week-end, toujurs partante ! |
Work / Job I am my own boss | Languages I speak FrenchI speak Spanish | Lifestyle / Ideology Epicurean - Carpe Diem |
Pets - Animals I have a cat | I like a culture/food FrenchLatin American Italian | Sports Hiking |
Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter | Arts and Crafts Painting - Drawing | Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsTheater Art Cinema Music |
Thinking History - Archaeology | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics Brunchs I enjoy tea I enjoy wine | Entertainment / Info Karting - QuadShopping |
Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain Rapids | Special Events PartyAperitif Fairs - Shows | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-end |