0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Work / Job Teacher - EducatorComputer science I don't work | Languages I speak FrenchI speak English | Daily life StudentI am rather large Generous - Altruistic Family - Children |
Technology I have a smartphoneApple addict | I like a culture/food FrenchArab Anglo-Saxon | Sports HikingPing-pong Tennis Badminton - Squash Football - Soccer Golf |
Physical Activities StrollSwimming | Games Card games - PokerRole-playing games Board games WII - Game consoles Billiards Bowling Chess - Checkers - Go Baseball - Boules - Bowls Escape & laser game | Arts and Crafts SingingPhotography |
Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioScience Paranormal - Magic Puzzles - Quiz Personal development | Cooking / Eating Picnics | Entertainment / Info ShoppingFunny Television Soap opera - Manga Radio - Press |
Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachZoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events Birthday | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack |