10 | 12 | 0 | 1 |
92% | 8% |
Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Herve Sex : Man Status : Single, without children Birthday : 18 Sep 1950 (74 ) Area : Autre ville du 78 |
A few words |
passionné de chevaux bien sur mais également adepte de ski , tarot , voile , bridge , resto , concert etc
Work / Job I am my own boss | Languages I speak French | Pets - Animals I like horses |
I like a culture/food FrenchJewish Asian - Indian | Sports HikingSliding sports | Physical Activities Bike - Scooter |
Games Card games - Poker | Arts and Crafts Singing | Cultural Activities Jazzy |
Thinking Puzzles - Quiz | Cooking / Eating Cooking | Nature / Outdoors Mountain |
Special Events Concert - FestivalFairs - Shows | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endTravel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |