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Cette sortie est un doublon de :

Sortie n° 21831081, créée le 27 01 2023
Nanterre et 92 hash house harriers
#Courir#Se balader
Date de la sortie
Heure de début
Dimanche 05 Mars 2023

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Sortie gratuite Sortie avec enfants 

NonTeRien.ne Hash House Harriers, Nanterre et 92! ON ON!!!!!

My name is Lucinda, hashname "Titikondoh", hashing since 2001 back in Sierra Leone. I live in Nanterre 92, no hash in the 92 so I hope to introduce the HHH to Nanterrians and their neighbours. Je suis traductrice donc n'hesitez pas si besoin :)



Hasher's guide for virgins!


What is Hashing?

Hashing is a drinking club with a running problem. The Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3) is an international group of non-competitive running social clubs with a walker friendly heart.


The Hashers

We are a non religious, non political group of mixe age/mixe race/mix sex beer and non-beer drinking runners, walkers and crawlers happily shouting On On along our trail.


If you answer YES to all the questions below, then Hashing is for you!!!


Do you like beer?

Do you like pretending to drink beer but you're really drinking coke or some other undelicious beverage?

Do you like running?

Do you like drinking beer and running?

Do you like pretending to run when you're actually crawling?

Would you mind running and shouting ON ON!!!!?

Would you mind running, drinking and shouting ON ON!!!!?

Would you mind being called a "virgin" on youtr first day?


Hashesday (hash day)

On a Hash, we enjoy the sights of the Nanterre area and its surroundings while running together on a trail. We’ll have at least one beer stop along the way, and again at the end of trail. We can also run in other regions to discover and enjoy France. International breaks not excluded!


The run (on the trail)

One or two hashers called Hares – lay a trail with chalk or flour markings. The pack (called Hounds) then follow the markings to try and find the beer!

On a typical hash trail we travel anywhere from 5 to 15km and most trails are walker friendly.


Baptism of The virgin (new members)

You're a virgin only on your first time, then you're baptised with beer , you scramble your way through the song "swing low, sweet chariot" and voila, you're virginated by Hash...you're now a Hasher!


The hare loops (running times)

We run every weekend - alternating Saturdays and Sundays in different areas TBD

Maybe a drink / a hangout everyother Friday night. Maybe a quick weekend escape somewhere where there's a hill to climb, a forest to run in, a sea to swim in or just a valley to walk through!


The hashidress code (dress code)

Colours codes will be introduced according to seasons, holiday celebrations and festivals e.g. Red for Valentine's day run, green for St. Patrick's day, rainbow for pride week run etc dictates. Otherwise, come as you are for ordinary runs but just remember that we run, we walk, we crawl, and we may get into some shiggy (mud, puddles, scratchy bushes, wet paint, ...). 


The hashility (what you need)

Bring what you need. Up to you, but this could include water, sunblock, survival snack, chalk to back mark, a whistle if you can’t shout, brand new running shoes, a virgin, shiggy socks, a hash hymnal, a bag of tea, a bag of wine, and/or extra cash.


The Hashcash (well you get the drift right?)

Hash cash is collected at the begining of every run to help keep our club active and to pay for your beer. TBD €


Hashformation (info channel)

Here on ovs page and a whatsapp group forum for quick communication


Hashdivasity (diversity)

Variety is the spice of life so come with friends and families, old, young and in between, you are welcomed! 


Hashtags (rules)

#NoPissingOnTheTrail #NoFartingOnTheTrail #NoShittingOnTheTrail #NoEatingOnTheTrail #NoKissingOnTheTrail #NoRomancingOnTheTrail #NoLoveyDoveyingOnTheTrail #NoSleepingOnTheTrail #NoCursingOnTheTrail #NoSexingOnTheTrail #NoSexinessOnTheTrail 


Hashpectations (what to expect)

Getting sweaty, dirty, soaked, cold, moody, drenched, beer smell, never-before-heard grammatical exposures, hilarious irresistable to break but fine paying rules, amazing social life with amazing people in a multicultural multilingual environment,full of crazy fun, laughter and beautiful sightseeing experiences ... or something like that ....or nada and you dont come back :)


Disclaimer: je n'ai aucun interet financier dans cette sortie / I have no financial interest or gain in this event.



ON ON!!!!!

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