Je viendrai avec ma guitare folk.
Lithium nirvana
Smells like teen spirit nirvana
Where did you sleep last night
Down in a hole AIC (en Gm)
Bd of broken dreams green day
Jet are u gonna b my girl
Lonely boy Black keys
Oasis dont look back in anger
Lonely day soad
Nothing else matters metallica
Knocking on heaven s door
Deftones xerces
L homme presse noir desir
Comme elle vient noir desir
The pixies where is my mind
U2 bloody sunday
U2 with or without you
Queen we are the champions
Hurt johnny cash
Oasis wonderwall
Pink floyd another brick i t w
Pink floyd confortably numb
Soundgarden black hole sun
J beck j depp j lennon Isolation
Radiohead creep
Radiohead karma police
Radiohead you and whose army?
Radiohead No surprises
Guns sweet child o mine
The cure Boys don't cry
Foo fighters the pretender
Foo fighters Let it die
Temple of the Dog Say hello to heaven
Sunny Bobby herb
Figure it out Royal blood
Filter My Life Before
AC/DC back in black
AC/DC Highway To Hell
Jackson five blame it to the boogie
Type o negative Green man
Life on mars David Bowie
Don t stop me now queen
What a wonderful world Louis Amstrong
Everybody need somedy to love Blues brother (en mi)