Speak English while visiting le musée du CNAM, Conservatoire National des Arts & Métiers
We suggest an outing to walk & practice, improve our oral English & enrich our culture.
Some ideas:
- The Foucault pendulum to show that the Earth is turning on itself.
- The 'Eole 2' of Clément Ader (first flying identified object) heavier than air.
- Type XI plane of Louis Blériot (crossing the channel)
- The chemical laboratory of Lavoisier (Nothing is created, nothing is lost, every thing is transformed).
- The adding Machine from Pascal.
- The Cray 1, a scalar very powerfull computer (World Wide Record).
- & A lot of technical objects, very interesting.
It's a free outing because the museum is free on the first Sunday of the month.
The goal is: improve our English & better understand our technical roots.
Let' have fun together!
Jean & Jef
PS :
- During this outing for one or two people, we leave you go where & how you want. i. e. you visit the place the way you choose & we follow you. We can exchange with you walking aside us. Boths of us, we are found of the place & scientists.
We'll send you our cell phone number, this could be helpfull In case of problem.
First w'll queue up at the tickets desk, inside the entrance hall, to get a free ticket. On the first Sunday of the month, the museum is free, but we NEED IT to take the lift to the beginning of the visit (second floor).