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Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Mouss Sex : Man Status : Unknown Birthday : Unknown Area : Autre ville du 77 |
A few words |
Le hasard c'est le pseudonyme de dieu quand il veut pas signer ( B .Bergman) Je suis une pessimiste énergique qui nage à travers la mélancolie ( J .Kristeva )
https://youtu.be/tTfmdun2Q8Q https://youtu.be/1Icf2x99f7o
https://youtu.be/l7xAPlAPhwc https://youtu.be/mud3yCR9LKA https://youtu.be/AduUvwd-_BI https://youtu.be/JRhEasEGXT0 https://youtu.be/Y-1wxGFDPNQ
I like a culture/food FrenchArab Jewish Asian - Indian Anglo-Saxon African Latin American | Sports Hiking | Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter |
Games Card games - PokerBoard games Bowling Baseball - Boules - Bowls | Arts and Crafts SingingI play an instrument | Cultural Activities Museums - ExhibitionsArt Literature - Books Cinema Jazzy |
Thinking Philo - Psycho - SocioParanormal - Magic | Cooking / Eating PicnicsI enjoy tea I enjoy wine | Entertainment / Info Radio - Press |
Nature / Outdoors Sea - BeachMountain | Special Events Concert - FestivalFairs - Shows Flea markets | Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack Castles - Monuments |